Nin Hao!!!
It seems crazy that we're leaving for China in a week! Just staring at these words makes me giddy. But at the same time, what does "I'm going to China" mean? I've said it so many times it's become a catchphrase for me, yet the reality of being on a different continent in a paltry week hasn't fully sunk in yet. I can't even begin to articulate the feelings that are swimming through my mind. All I can say is my suitcase is ready and that "China" crosses my mind every 8 seconds. At the same time, I can't help but feel some twinges of sadness about leaving behind friends and family. I know that I will probably end up missing the pastoral scenes that make up the one stop-light towns of Dover and Sherborn and being able to speak English with everyone. But the opportunity to go to China and to participate in an exchange program is far too enticing, and I know I would have regretted not going on this trip of a lifetime.
Besides seeing a new part of the world and a new country, I'm hoping to get out of the trip and exchange a better sense of who I am as both an Asian American and an American. The differences between the two cultures are vast and I believe that I will learn a lot about myself by putting myself in such a challenging and interesting environment. I'm also psyched about meeting the students at Hangzhou! I really enjoy meeting and getting to know people who have opinions that differ from mine. I think interacting with people that don't necessarily speak the same language as me will be extremely fascinating as well as deeply rewarding. I'm also excited to see tongxue(classmates) Kathleen, Ella, and Frank and (teacher) Rose Laoshi again!
Zaijian! (Goodbye!)