Okay. Tis all.
So long Jinghong! We are now in Dali, the Bai capital of China and an amazing city. Saying 'bye to John was sad for me because I really liked him not only as a guide but as a great person (not to mention it was good talking with a guy…). Getting here wasn’t so fun though…We arrived at the airport and went through security without a hitch, but soon after getting inside, our flight was delayed an hour and a half. Not fun. After that long wait, we finally boarded our Lucky Air flight to Dali in a packed 737. The flight was short, but also very bumpy, a little too bumpy. The pilot took off and landed shaking the plane so much that even I was uncomfortable (I fly a lot). As we began descent, we hit horrible turbulence and the runway was on a cliff, so I could not see where we were. This was bad for everyone! We landed extremely rough and some poor kid behind me wasn’t feeling too hot. He grabbed his barf bag, but unfortunately he missed and blew his cookies everywhere, yuck! But on that note, Alaina was feeling sick the last few days, but she is all better now.
So after the whole plane ordeal we got off, collected our luggage, and met up with our new Bai guide Nancy. Decked out in traditional Bai clothing, Nancy is a super eccentric and awesome guide. She has very good English and knows what we all like…already. It’s a shame that we are leaving her tomorrow for Lijiang, she is super cool! She sang us a Bai song on the way to Dali and introduced us to the world around the city and the cultural life. We went straight out to lunch at a nice place in the old city and enjoyed local food such as fish (very bony), fried sweet cheese, and an awesome noodle soup. After that we began our Dali journey at the Three Pagodas, an array of Buddhist temples and famous pagodas that run up a long hill. We were there at a very key time, because the mountain range in the back was so beautiful and magnificent, that all our pictures that we took are so cool that they could be in calendars or default computer desktops. One picture I somehow managed to snap had God rays coming through the clouds over the mountain, but at the same time, the length of the ray was the same exact length of the Temple in front of it, creating a very cool picture. I was quite proud with myself, but we all took outstanding photos.
After the two-hour tour, the true fun began. We drove to the South gate of the Old City and walked the whole length and then some. We stopped in some cool shops and saw some “real” silver and learned how to spot fake jade. It was quite helpful for future bargains and I got something myself. We then were allowed to go on our own for some free time until dinner so we all split up. I went off and found some amazing Chinese Wartime and dynasty memorabilia that I was so glad I found. I ended up buying as much Chinese stuff as my mother would in a Neiman Marcus markdown sale, which was really eerie to think about!
I continued down this small street elsewhere and was approached by a random Chinese lady who asked me if I wanted to smoke some illicit drugs. I was a little shocked seeing how this was in China, and that they would ask a foreigner this, but I said no gladly and continued on. Then this gold nugget of a street vendor hit me. I went up to these two old ladies running it and asked to buy this beautiful tapestry that was the main piece of their little shop. I bargained well and left them on a good note (I will get back to this later).
Dinner time came and Nancy happily joined us. We ate at a local Bai restaurant and had food that could only be fund in this area of China. Our favorites included a fried underwater vegetable that tasted and looked like a plantain, a potato cake that was very similar to French fries, and pine tree sprouts. It was a great dinner and we all enjoyed talking to Nancy about her little boy who is entering Kindergarten and her life as a Bai woman. As we were about to leave, we all shared what we had bought in the last two hours and I pulled out my tapestry. I guess the girls liked it and wanted me to take them to the place, so of course I did. We get there and the two ladies recognize me from before and love that I brought them business! I didn’t think I was going to buy anymore, but this is where parts of my mother took over. We were all talked into buying things we never originally wanted, but were very grateful we did in the end. All of our bargaining skills kicked in tonight and they truly paid off.
Today was awesome and I really look forward to getting to Lijiang as well. Goodnight America and you will hear from us again soon!
After a restful second night’s sleep at the Tai Garden Hotel, we rose for another day of travel, this time to the western part of Xishuangbanna. We headed out for about an hour before reaching our first destination – a marketplace full of colorful fruits and vegetables as well as every sort of meat or fish one could possibly want. Needless to say, the air was full of pungent smells and the open square rang with the sounds of haggling, laughter, and life in motion. Most of the sellers were Dai women, wearing their traditional long and brightly colored embroidered skirts. In particular we stopped to admire some unusual watermelons, which were a golden yellow on the inside rather than the usual pink. John told us they were simply called small watermelon, or xiao shuiguo. After perusing the aisles and asking questions of several friendly vendors, we piled back into the van to continue on our way.
On our way to our next destination, we passed field after field of crops – mainly sugar cane and rubber trees. As we approached Bulang Mountain, the taller crops flowed into row after row of tea bushes. When we finally arrived at the Bulang village, we were surprised to see tons of children peeking out from behind the houses. Apparently, the One Child Policy does not apply to the Bulang people, so families will often have three or four children. We walked through the village until we arrived at the home of a family that seemed to know John, and went inside. I can’t seem to get over the fact that villagers will welcome strangers into their homes to take pictures and explore their lifestyle. I can’t even imagine the looks on my family’s faces if absolute strangers knocked on our door and asked to look around our house! Needless to say, we’d be perturbed and a bit suspicious. The Bulang house was brick, unlike most of the wooden Dai houses we’d seen the day before. Yet John informed us that the Bulang are generally poorer than the average Dai person. After resting in the family’s living room and admiring some pieces of paper written in Bulang script that are supposed to ward off bad spirits, we thanked the family and left to continue meandering through the town. On the way, we stopped to chat with some of the villagers and got to practice our Chinese! The villagers were incredibly friendly, and talked to us for at least a half an hour. Again I was struck by a stark yet simple difference between Chinese and American culture. The Bulang women kept expressing their admiration for how glaringly pale Lauren, Alaina, and I are. When we expressed (through John) that most people prefer to be tan rather than pale back in the U.S. the women just shook their heads and laughed at the crazy Americans. Finally, we stopped to visit another home – this time of a family that John knew very well. The young couple living there had recently lost a six-month-old baby. The child was born with a cleft lip and other unidentifiable digestion issues. John had brought in a doctor from the Red Cross, but the baby was weak and passed away. The story was upsetting, but made the people’s kindness even more precious as they had faced such sadness. As we drove away, John told us another interesting tidbit about the Bulang people. The women are in charge of harvesting the tea and sugar cane as well as selling the goods in the market, while the men stay home to watch the children and do any work needed around the house. Both the men and women take care of dividing up the money for the household.
After the Bulang village came lunch. We ate on a stone patio that was open on three sides to a view of the nearby rice paddy and children taking turns to ride a bicycle. We sat on small stools around a table made of bamboo – our first without a lazy Susan.
Poor Alex was pretty uncomfortable as the stools are only about six inches high and made for people far shorter than him. The food, as usual, was delicious. Along with several other dishes we were served spicy snap peas, some very sticky rice, and a warm, light soup with carrot sprouts. We also had our first taste of “Wahaha Cola”, which is apparently a famous knock off of Coke in China.
Next, we proceeded to village number two for the day, a Dai village another 2 or so kilometers down the road. We did some more exploring of the village, but we were headed for a house in which two women were making paper by hand. The pulp for the paper they were making was tree bark, which is mashed to break down the cellulose then mixed with water until it has a soupy texture. Then, mesh frames are dipped into the water. Finally, the frames are put into the sun to dry. When the soupy pulp has dried it is peeled off the frame and voila! Paper. After watching, Sandy asked for a go (as she makes paper at home) and strapped on an apron to give it a try. It looked pretty good to me, but according to her it was too thin. We purchased some of the homemade paper, which had a rough yet soft texture, and after snapping a few pictures made our way back to the van.
Then we went to a Buddhist temple belonging to the Theravada branch of Buddhism. The monks there wear bright orangey-yellow robes. The site we visited was called the Octagonal Pavilion. We walked up some stairs lined with painted statues of monks cross-legged and at prayer on either side. The architecture of the temple building was beautiful, and fading, intricate murals decorated the outside. Near the building was a majestically towering and knarled Bodhi tree. Every Buddhist temple in China has an accompanying Bodhi tree nearby. The trees are supposed to provide shelter and are seen as protection for the temple. Bells on the edge of the roof of an altar tinkled in the breeze.
Finally, we came to our last village in Xishuangbanna. This time, it was an Aikha village. The village, while brightly lit by the sun and the colorful flowers near many of the homes, was ghostly in that almost everyone was out harvesting tea. We went to our third (for Lauren, Alex, and I as we went to one yesterday after exploring the night market) tea ceremony in the home of a local tea seller and harvester. It was probably the most bitter tea we have tried so far. The issue is that if you empty your glass (which is small and roughly the size of two tablespoons) it is customary for the host to refill your glass. We were all stuck in a tug of war between being tactful and giving our taste buds a break. Alex, however, greatly enjoyed the tea and managed to keep up with John as they both downed “tea shots” one after the other.
After a long day, we returned to the hotel to relax for a couple hours before dinner. We were in for a treat…dumplings! Our first since arriving in China as we’ve been in the south and dumplings are usually a northern food. We were each given a plate of pork and onion dumplings and a small dish of a light soy sauce. Mine happened to have carrots in it as well. After heartily enjoying our jiaozi dinner, we went in search of ice cream and found it in the freezer of a nearby convenience store. I can safely say we were all very happy. Ice cream in hand, we walked to a nearby street that contained many shops selling minority goods. At this time, I’d like to send a huge thank you to Mrs. Springett, who keeps managing to find amazing things for us to do in every city we visit. On her recommended, we picked up a couple little trinkets and gifts, before making our way back to the hotel.
Tomorrow we leave for Dali. I’m definitely going to miss the beautiful weather (it was sunny and at least eighty degrees today) as well as the friendly local people and the vast store of knowledge that John seems to have. That’s all for today!
February 24th
(Lauren) Travel Day: Jianshui à Jinghong
Because we had a big travel day ahead of us, we got up and moving very early this morning. Alaina was especially thrilled by this morning’s breakfast. Apparently, our guide Murphy had informed the restaurant that we had really enjoyed the fresh fruit and dumplings with cheese frosting that we had been given the previous evening, so the staff kept bringing us huge plates of apples, watermelon, and breads. We found out later that the chef made the cheese sauce we got especially for us!
(2) Oolong (black dragon) tea à good for the stomach and for raising low blood pressure. Interestingly, oolong tea is usually served in a specific type of tea cup with a black dragon on it…when the tea is heated properly, the dragon turns from red to black
There is a specific way to drink oolong tea:
a. First waft the tea towards the nose
b. Use a circular hand motion to move the cup of tea from the nose to the mouth
c. Slurp the tea to show enjoyment
(3) Pu’er tea à good for sleep, lowers cholesterol, treats diabetes, and helps people to lose weight
a. Pu’er = most famous tea in the Yunnan region…should be drunk by swishing around in mouth
b. Pu’er is grown on trees in Xishuangbanna, the oldest Pu’er tree in Xishuangbanna is 1700 years old and 32.1 meters tall.
c. Pu’er tea is valuable based on age
i. 2 years old à not valuable, because it’s very bitter and has a lot of caffeine
ii. 6 years old à more valuable, because the caffeine has begun to fade away
iii. 10+ years old à very valuable, because all the caffeine has gone away and the tea has a very mild taste
iv. oldest Pu’er tea = 97 years old, sold for 1.6 million yuan
(4) Tian cha (sweet tea) à good for skin, digestion, facial beauty
a. Sweet tea is made up of rose and lychee
We left the tea shop, and Murphy and Mr. Wang took us to the Kunming International Airport. We said goodbye to the pair of them, and headed through security. Having arrived at the airport with plenty of advance time (unlike Guilin), we had a couple of hours to try various Chinese airport candies. The most bizarre were a type of powdered candy that crumbled as soon as we touched them, and we made an incredibly huge mess!
February 21, 2010
(Alaina) Feb 22
Hello America!
We started today by saying goodbye to Yuanyang and driving three hours to Jianshui, which is on the way to Kunming. Descending through the twisting mountain roads proved just as adrenaline-boosting as the climb up, though by this point we’re (mostly) confident that the driver is a godsend, not a madman. Up top the sky was perfectly clear, giving us a beautiful last view of the rice paddies. Further down the mountain we were enveloped in thick fog (visibility=0), and then we broke through to the clear sky and warm sun (t-shirt weather YAY) of the ground-dwellers. As we drove the soil turned red and dry, and we began to see more and more small squares of crops- wheat, beans, cabbage, tomato, corn, onion, and probably much more.
Just outside of Jianshui we stopped to tour Swallow Cave. Because of the natural beauty and harmony of the cave, the area has long attracted the followers of multiple religions. First we passed three Daoist tombs: one of a man who’s considered a hero of sorts for achieving the highest level of spirituality, and two of his disciples. Just after the Daoist tombs was a Buddhist shrine featuring a large gold Buddha statue, surrounded by people waving large bundles of flaming incense. Past this there was a Daoist shrine of the major gods (representing Heaven, Earth, and Water), followed by another shrine to Confucius. Apparently the three religions generally coexist peacefully, and are often found right next to each other like this. It was interesting to see so many people practicing their faith and honoring the figures they live by, drawn together by a mutual appreciation for a beautiful natural phenomenon.
The cave itself is a huge tunnel situated over a river. It has become famous because every year hundreds of swallows come to roost in the crevices of the ceiling from January to August. The opening of the cave was quite beautiful. The turquoise river disappeared into the yawning mouth of rock, the cavernous heights of which were speckled with the darting bodies of dozens of swallows. While the visit started very well, in my opinion the temples and initial view were the only worth-while sights.
We entered the cave and sat down to see a “show,” which turned out to be a man climbing along the walls of the cave 50 meters up to hang a banner. At first I thought the event must signify something, but no, it was just a tourist spectacle. I felt a bit uncomfortable watching a man risk his life in an unnecessarily dangerous activity just for entertainment. Inside, the cave was much less spectacular than the one we saw in Guilin. The river added a cool effect, but it was basically a giant tunnel with drippy oozy stone formations extending from the walls and ceiling. It was sparsely lit until the tour guide activated multicolored lights and bursts of music, which aren’t on all the time because they don’t want to disturb the swallows. It’s my prediction, however cynical, that the birds will stop coming as the tourists multiply and the gimmicks become more intrusive. We stopped a few times to see formations that supposedly looked like women, grapes, elephants, and tigers (the Chinese are more imaginative than I am), and trekked up and down multiple large flights of stairs. We tried some soup made from dates and the nests of the swallows (if you put it in soup, anything can be eaten?), which was sweet and actually pretty good. Then we took a boat back to the opening, which I appreciated because my quads are admittedly sore from several days of intense stair climbing. All in all, the two-hour tour dragged on (as my feet dragged on), and if future groups visit Jianshui, I would not recommend it.
We drove into the city of Jianshui, which is busy but smaller and less polished than Guilin, to have lunch. My favorite was a chicken dish with peanuts, cucumber, and carrots, all with a mild soy sauce flavor. Lunch and dinner always include a big bowl of soup, and this one-- shredded egg and green lettucey vegetables in a chicken broth-- was about an 8 on the soup scale. Soon, however, we were distracted from our food by a gaggle of young boys gathering at the window. Our fan club grew to 7 or 8 kids, who giggled and pointed at us for a good 40 minutes lunch. There was one older boy who we named James Dean, and he seemed to be the ring leader. It was when he began orchestrating a series of hand gestures, including blowing kisses, that we realized the transition from innocent to mischievous had begun. We did manage to catch them off guard when Alex blew a kiss back, but all in all, James Dean clearly had the upper hand as he was on home turf. When we left the restaurant they followed us for 15 minutes or so, giggling when we made faces and scattering when Alex moved towards them. It was a deep friendship.
From there we walked to a large Confucian temple. We learned a lot about Confucianism, which emphasizes harmony and family relationships, and places great value on the five virtues: benevolence, respect, wisdom, trust, and justice. The buildings were all beautifully constructed and decorated. Most distinctive were the traditional triangular roofs with the wings at the corners, covered in colorful ceramic tile-shingles. There were a lot of ornately carved wood and brightly colored images adorning walls and doors. Inside the buildings were various shrines and figures of Confucius, his family, and his top students. I was surprised to see people praying to and worshiping Confucius, because I always thought Confucianism was more of a philosophy than a religion. Apparently Confucius is often regarded as a deity of sorts and worshiped just as the major figures of any other religion are.
We checked into another hotel (very nice, as always) and had some time to relax before dinner. (Yes, we are always eating.) This was a collective favorite meal. It was a bit different because we were given a bowl of fresh cucumbers/carrots, a bowl of oranges/ apple-pear things / watermelon, and a bowl of plain peanuts. Usually everything is always cooked, so we had missed the simple raw ingredients. There was also a delicious fried chicken dish in an orange sauce that was sweet and a bit vinegary, and a cylindrical white vegetable that tastes a bit like the baby of a thick asparagus and a water chestnut. Finally, the crown jewel arrived: DESSERT! Sometimes meals end with watermelon, but until this they never included anything that could be considered dessert by American standards. We got a plate of sticky bread buns, half of which were fried. The bread was spongy and slightly sweet and the fried ones were piping hot and had a fantastic crunch. The rolls on their own made me very excited, but then we discovered the dipping sauce: very smooth and silky, tasting like a mix of cream cheese frosting and the frosting on cinnamon rolls. YUMM.
On that very happy note, I end my blog. Given that I’ve just talked about dessert, I don’t feel I need any sort of wrap-up.
Thanks for reading,
Today was the longest and one of the most interesting car rides I have ever taken. We left our hotel, made a quick stop at an ATM, and headed out to our first destination – the Stone Forest. The Stone Forest used to be part of the ocean around twenty-seven million years ago and were formed by tectonic movement and eroded by the ocean. What remains today are thousands of pillars of limestone ranging from about ten to fifty feet high. The park that houses the forest is run by the Yi people, the most populous minority in China’s Yunnan province. The Yi were everywhere in the park in their colorful cultural garb. The unmarried women wear unique hats that have two triangles (one on either side). According to Yi custom, if a boy wants to marry a Yi girl, he touches the triangles on her hat. He then proceeds to spend three years doing hard labor for her family. If she still wants to marry him at the end of the three years, the bride-to-be’s family throws the couple an engagement party and the wedding plans proceed from there.
The Yi, dressed in their brightly colored costumes, played the roles of tour guides and vendors at all of the little touristy shops surrounding the Stone Forest. The stones towered above us as we walked into the park. The sides of the rocks were striated by years of erosion from the wind and rain and the sea that once covered it. The stones were beautiful as the wonderful sun dappled their sides. It was hugely crowded, but every once in a while we would find ourselves isolated in a circle of majestic stones. At one point, there were two stones that each came to a point near one another and about five feet off the ground. Each person had to fit through the stones by fitting their neck in the space between them. It was fun to watch Alex awkwardly try to squeeze through the space, but eventually he managed. We all got through. After a lovely morning in the sun we piled back into the car for another five hours of driving. As the car rolled along the highway, honking and passing with abandon, red-soiled hills flowed into greener, taller mountains. It wasn’t as green as it usually is, as Yunnan is facing a drought, but as we continued southwestward the wildlife began to be more and more exotic. We passed palm trees, banana plants, and sugar cane. About an hour from Yuanyang we stopped at a small roadside produce stand run by a local branch of the Yi. It was a breath of fresh air to see members of a minority dressing in their cultural costume for themselves rather than to garner attention from tourists. After sampling some of the best pineapple I’ve ever eaten and waving to some adorable, barefoot children, we continued upward toward our final destination.
The van continued to climb upward throughout the rest of our trip, whipping around blind curves on the wrong side of the road. As we went higher, Alaina began to slightly hyperventilate. She was also suffering from a violent case of hiccups, which sent Alex into a fit of giggles that lasted for most of the rest of the ride. Finally we arrived in Yuanyang, which was larger than expected and precariously perched on the mountainside 1600 meters (just under a mile) above sea level. We ate dinner and proceeded to our hotel. We were really lucky to have wonderful weather (it was about 75 degrees during the middle of the day) and the sky was clear enough to reveal the moon for the first time since we arrived here about a week ago.
Until the next time…
February 19th
All is well in Guilin! We saw the sun today for the first time since our arrival. It felt sooo good…we all wanted to just bask in the warmth like turtles on a log. We were up very early this morning in Guilin in order to visit Elephant Trunk Hill, Reed Flute Cave and Fubo Hill prior to being dropped off at the airport. The story behind the Elephant Trunk Hill (a large hill that resembles an elephant drinking from the Li River) goes something like this – there was an elephant living in an area with people who did not want him around. An army was sent to shoo him out but the elephant won the battle….eventually a general stepped on his back and thrust a sword into him…the elephant would not budge and remains there to this day. On top of the hill there is a small pagoda symbolizing the sword. The area has become quite a park and also includes raft rides and a small island with peach blossom trees…evidently THE place for Chinese romance!
The pace has been pretty hectic and there are moments when I feel like we are taping our own episode of The Amazing Race… but it’s all good. There is sooo much to see, experience, taste, and photo that a 36 hour day would work well on this adventure. All the best, Sandy
(Lauren) Yangshuo Day 2
Cassie and I were told we had “too much fire in the heart” as a result of too much stress. Because Cassie also had “too much fire in the liver” she was told not to eat deep fried, fatty, or spicy foods. She was pretty disappointed by her new dietary restrictions, but I was happy to hear that to deal with lung issues, I should eat more cinnamon! Less happily, I was told I didn’t have enough yang energy in my body (need more sun) and a digestion that indicated impending sickness (I’m hoping she was wrong about that).
Sandy and Alex were told that they have weak stomachs and spleens, and that their bodies hold too much phlegm. Alex was told to get more sun to introduce more yang energy into his body, and to eat less fatty food. Sandy was told to watch out for an impending cold. We were all very interested in some of the medicines we could see on the shelves – snakes and fetal rats were pickling in jars as cures for arthritis!