March 2nd
We had a fantastic weekend… Saturday we all met at the school.. I arrived at the school gate...and did not see anyone..A very nice guard came out and tried talking to me..but he only spoke Chinese...and I, for the most part, only speak English...he was being so nice, and trying so hard...
Luckily, Mark and his host brother Harry showed up and Harry was able to translate.. turns out he was trying to tell me that Lianna had already gone outside.. and that I could enter as well..
Two English teachers, Wang Huo and Michelle, a history teacher, Li Wang Ping ( I am going to observe her class this week), and Mr. Li who works in the Student Affairs Office.. accompanied us to a museum called-- An Exhibition of Southern Song Dynasty Guan Kiln Relics -- pottery of the Song Dynasty!!
The museum featured many pieces of my two favorite types of pottery - the beautiful Chinese celadon green pottery! and the classic Chinese blue and white pottery...
The celadon pieces in the museum were mostly discovered in Hangzhou near the West Lake. Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.
At the end of the exhibit there were several stalls that featured an activity where you could try to piece together an ancient pot, like an archeologist.....the students enjoyed this!
Then -- it was time to make some pottery ourselves -- using a pottery wheel... A very talented man..who works at the museum-- came over and centered the clay for us..then we went to work..
It brought me back to art class in high school...
I attempted to make a tall narrow vase..but it did not come out that well...
After lunch, we attempted to go to the West Lake Museum—but it was closed – so the kids decided that they wanted to go bowling..I tagged along with them because, I was invited to have dinner at Josh's apartment – and felt it would be easy if I just stayed with them. Unfortunately, China has not yet passed a non-smoking in public places law…and you can still smoke in bowling alleys = gross.
After bowling, Josh’s father picked Alex, Josh and I up! Josh’s parents are so nice. We had a lovely meal – Alex practiced his Chinese with Josh's parents… Josh’s father did not believe me when I told him (through Josh’s translation), that the fish we ate was the best fish that I had during my stay in China!
I know that Mark is going to blog about this – but I just cannot help myself. Sunday -- we went over William's apartment (the teacher who came to DS last year)! He is the cutest man alive! He picked us up in his red Jetta (but it is called something else here in China-there are Volkswagons everywhere here). William and his wife Helen (not to be confused with Helen – one of the English teachers at Hangzhou High) just had an adorable baby, in November – Emma!! In the U.S., he purchased PS3 – and he just purchased Guitar Hero World Tour – which is amazing… we spent the day admiring Emma and making music! Of course, William was a wonderful host and provided us with a delicious lunch (Li says the best dumplings she has had in China!) and lots of snacks, Pringles, banana chips, dove chocolate and fruit!
After William's house – we met up with Harry and Sue – and traveled to Wushan Square to meet Bruce and his parents for dinner!! Bruce's parents are awesome! Just like him. I embarrassed Bruce by making him translate to tell them how much we love him – and cannot imagine our experiience here in China without him!
This morning we had Chinese calligraphy, and our Chinese language class. In calligraphy, we learned how to paint our numbers, as well as some basic beautiful characters such as fire, mountain, and forever. During Chinese class, we watched the movie Nanking – about the devastating invasion in 1937 --by the Japannese.
After lunch, we had English corner (which has been moved indoors because of all the rain). The regulars (the sweet girls from Class 9) and some new faces showed up. Mark provided some chocolate. After discussing some ancient history (they are very interested in Egypt), the girls told me some Chinese folk tales that took place around the West Lake!
After English corner, we headed to the English office to warm up.. Helen whisked us away, and took us shopping (umbrellas in tow) for the lining of our silk dress and suits! Li and I are getting traditional silk Chinese dresses made. Alex and Mark are getting silk suits made. Last Friday, Helen took us on a very fun shopping trip to purchase the silk.
I had dinner at school, prepared by the amazing chef! --Now I am going to watch a movie that Derek loaned me-- Red Cliff Part One (more information regarding the movie below…).
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