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News about Hangzhou and China

News about Hangzhou and China
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Misadventures in Domo-Making


This weekend was a good one: Saturday spent exploring the beautiful Xixi wetlands, Sunday spent playing a human version of the game Escape, and so even though we wished our weekend could extend one more day, by Monday morning we were ready to be back in the swing of things. The Bears spent the first half of the day in one of our favorite classes: art. This day, our teacher showed us how to make Domos, famous characters in Japanese culture. Never one with a skill for art, my Do,o resembled, well--nothing. Lets call it abstract art. The rest of the group, however, had much more luck and emerged with finely-made final products.

Monday was an unusually chilly day, somewhere in the 50's, breaking the streak of consecutively sunny 80+ weather we've grown accustomed to. My host mom greeted Aletta and I in the car after school with hot chocolate and cookies, which helped to fight the chill. In the evening, my host dad recounted the previous evenings exploit in teaching me how to make dumplings (I was pretty good at the end), and we listened to some MJ together, a favorite of the family.

As for the Bear's bad luck? Well, it seems as if the bad luck has run it's course. All four of us kids are situated happily with our awesome host families (although a bit sad to be leaving them at the end of the week), and Ms. Moy seems happy to be able to teach again, three or four classes a day which leaves her quite busy. As this is the last week we spend with our first host families, we hope to have a relaxing week together before we head for ShangHai on Friday.

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